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7 Best Shopping Cart Abandonment Softwares to Recover Sales

Sep 7, 2023 - By Camilla Mackeviciute

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“Cart abandonment” has become a swear word for most ecommerce business owners. Understandably so since 7 out of 10 prospects leave the online store without paying (average cart abandonment rate is 70.19%). That’s $4 trillion in ecommerce sales per year. 

While these numbers leave others in the dumps, know there’s hope to recover lost sales. In this blog article, we’ve compiled a list of the most effective abandoned cart automation tools to help you cut your losses and increase customer lifetime revenue.

But before we start, let’s explore what kind of solutions might benefit your ecommerce business and how.

What Kind of Tools Can Help Recover Abandoned Carts?

Cart abandonment happens when an online store visitor adds items to the shopping cart but fails to check out. In other words, the customer is interested in the products, but one of the many reasons stopped them from completing the checkout process.


The revenue lost due to abandonment is evaluated not in how much a business might’ve earned from the purchase. It’s the unjustified investments put into bringing the customer through all the marketing funnel stages and to the store. That’s money spent to get your hands on prospects – acquire leads through social media ads, organic search, or referral programs. Unfortunately, all just for the prospects to slip through your fingers at the finish line.

But even then, not all is lost. A-grade shopping cart abandonment software can help bring the customer back, the most effective being cart abandonment popups and cart abandonment emails.

Cart abandonment popups prevent customers from leaving the site without purchasing with a last-minute discount. Meanwhile, cart abandonment emails are sent to customers who’ve provided their email addresses, reminding them about the items they left (occasionally, with a discount code).

While both of the strategies have their unique benefits, the best results come from combining them. That said, let’s take a look at the best cart abandonment softwares that can help you with both.

Top Abandoned Cart Software Options for Your Ecommerce Business

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and turn abandoned carts into generated revenue, here are 7 best shopping cart abandonment solutions:

1. Sender

The best cart abandonment software on this list? Sender is an affordable yet feature-rich email marketing and SMS automation platform. It offers ecommerce store owners a powerful solution to enhance their marketing strategies. If your business is struggling with cart abandonment, Sender has the means to overturn it. 

  • Email and SMS marketing automation; 
  • Smart segmentation; 
  • High-converting popup builder; 
  • Drag-and-drop email builder with premade templates; 
  • High deliverability and friendly customer support.

Understanding the challenges of cart abandonment, Sender has much more than one solution up its sleeve. Using a human-friendly workflow builder, you can set up automated cart recovery campaigns for online shopping carts. Configure a trigger for when a customer leaves their cart without completing the purchase, and an abandoned cart email will be sent out automatically. It’s that easy to rekindle their interest and boost your conversion rates! 

With Sender’s drag-and-drop builder, you can also create exit-intent popups to convince your customers to finish the checkout process. Simply choose the template, adjust the design and settings to your liking, add text, and voila!

Finally, by utilizing SMS reminders, Sender ensures that customers receive timely and engaging notifications about their abandoned carts, prompting them to return and complete their purchase.

Sender’s Key Features

  • Easy-to-use automation builder. Schedule your cart abandonment popups to be automatically shown and cart recovery emails to be sent out at the perfect time;
  • Smart segmentation. With Sender,  you can segment your list into different groups according to their behavior and send personalized messages that best answer their needs;
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Customize one of many professionally designed email templates to quickly create an effective cart abandonment email. Include interactive features like a countdown timer to increase urgency and boost engagement;
  • Detailed analytics & heatmap. Follow the stats on your cart abandonment strategy and draw insights for optimization;
  • Effortless integration. Sender instantly integrates with leading content management systems, CRMs, and ecommerce platforms, including WordPress, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, and more. Automatically sync your marketing tools with ease.

Sender Pricing

  • Forever-free pricing plan for up to 2,500 subscribers with zero restrictions and feature limits; 
  • Paid plans start at $8 monthly for sending up to 30,000 emails.

2. Klaviyo

Klaviyo is a powerful marketing automation platform tailored to help ecommerce businesses boost sales and tackle cart abandonment head-on.

  • Smart cart abandonment emails;
  • Real-time popups and notifications;
  • Personalized product recommendations.

Klaviyo’s smart cart abandonment emails are the secret weapon to re-engage potential customers who left their carts behind. Crafted with precision and timed strategically, these emails remind shoppers of their abandoned items, urging them to return and complete the purchase.

Klaviyo stands out with its abandoned cart software, offering greater customization and targeting options than default abandoned cart flows in Shopify. It allows you to fully customize email and SMS content, add multiple messages, segment the flow based on cart item value, and more. Premade abandoned cart flows are available in Klaviyo’s library, triggered when customers enter information at checkout.

Klaivyo’s Key Features

  • Behavior-based triggers: Klaviyo’s platform detects and responds to cart abandonment in real-time, ensuring prompt and personalized outreach to potential customers, leading to higher conversion rates;
  • Segmentation capabilities: Employing customer data, its’ segmentation tools can help create targeted email campaigns, ensuring cart abandonment recovery messages reach the right audience;
  • Automated email flows: Set up automated email flows to tackle cart abandonment efficiently, ensuring consistent follow-ups without overwhelming your customers;
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain valuable insights into your cart abandonment recovery efforts with Klaviyo’s detailed analytics and reporting features. 

Klaviyo’s Pricing

  • Free version available but with contact limit exceeded;
  • Paid plans start out from $20 per month up to 500 subscribers.

3. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is an innovative customer experience automation platform designed to elevate your ecommerce game and tackle cart abandonment head-on.

  • Advanced segmentation;
  • Behavioral automation;
  • Personalized email content;
  • Multiple channel marketing tools;
  • Real-time analytics.

ActiveCampaign’s advanced segmentation allows you to create groups based on customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, ensuring highly targeted and effective cart abandonment emails and popups. With behavioral automation, you can set up triggers to reach customers precisely at the right moment, reeling them back in to complete their purchase.

Leverage the power of personalized email content, tailoring messages to each individual’s interests and displaying abandoned items to remind customers what they left behind.

ActiveCampaigns’s Key Features

  • Automated abandoned cart emails. Set up automated and personalized emails for customers, enticing them to return and complete their purchases;
  • Behavioral tracking and triggers. Monitor customer behavior and set triggers for targeted outreach, ensuring timely cart abandonment recovery messages;
  • Personalized popups. Display exit-intent popups with customized offers to entice customers back to their carts before they leave the website, boosting conversion rates;
  • Dynamic product recommendations. Suggest relevant products based on customers’ browsing and purchase history, increasing the likelihood of enticing them back to complete their abandoned purchase.

ActiveCampaign’s Pricing 

  • Free plan available with restrictions on feature usage;
  • Paid plans start at $9 per month for 500 subscribers. Has limitations with respect to custom branding and no option to set up elaborate automation like abandoned cart email campaigns.

4. CartStack

CartStack, an advanced cart abandonment platform, helps ecommerce businesses recover sales and turn abandoned carts into successful transactions.

  • Real-time cart abandonment notifications;
  • Personalized email retargeting;
  • Exit-intent popups;
  • Performance analytics.

CartStack’s real-time cart abandonment notifications keep you in the loop as soon as a potential customer leaves their cart behind. With this instant insight, you can swiftly reach out to them, offering personalized offers to entice them back to their abandoned cart.

Leveraging personalized email retargeting, CartStack allows you to send automated and customized cart abandonment emails to remind customers of their forgotten items. Craft compelling messages, showcase their cart contents, and offer time-sensitive discounts, pushing them closer to the finish line of checkout.

CartStack’s Key Features

  • A/B testing. Run A/B tests to fine-tune your cart abandonment recovery strategies. Test different email content, popup designs, and offers to identify what works best for your audience;
  • Customizable campaign triggers. Create personalized campaign triggers based on specific cart abandonment behavior;
  • Behavioral targeting. Utilize behavioral targeting to deliver personalized incentives based on individual customer interactions;
  • Comprehensive analytics. Gain valuable insights into your cart abandonment recovery performance with CartStack’s performance analytics and reporting.

CartStack’s Pricing

  • Free 14-day trial available;
  • Paid plans start at $9 per month for up to 100 orders per month.

5. Privy

Privy’s ecommerce marketing platform is a reliable partner for ecommerce business owners, empowering their abandoned cart recovery campaigns.

  • Automated cart recovery emails;
  • Email & SMS list growth tools;
  • Conversion-focused design templates;
  • Advanced targeting and segmentation

With Privy’s cart-saving popups equipped with exit intent technology, you can intercept potential cart abandoners just before they leave your site. These well-timed popups present compelling offers, allowing customers to stay and complete their purchases.

Privy empowers you to send targeted messages, effectively addressing specific customer concerns and reducing abandon rates. These personalized messages show your understanding of the customer’s needs, encouraging them to proceed with their purchase.

Utilizing automated cart recovery emails, Privy reaches out to known shoppers who added items to their cart but still need to complete the transaction.

Privy’s Key Features

  • Customization and A/B testing. Easily customize offers and discounts, and run multiple A/B tests to optimize your cart-saving strategies for maximum conversion.
  • Urgency creation. Utilize custom on-site timers to create a sense of urgency, prompting customers to act fast and complete their purchase before their coveted items vanish.
  • Email & SMS growth. Privy helps online stores grow their email and SMS lists faster, turning casual browsers into loyal subscribers and incentivizing new website visitors to purchase.

Privy’s Pricing 

  • Free plan for up to 100 subscribers;
  • Paid plans start at $30 per month for 1500 subscribers and unlimited email sends.


If you dream of recovering abandoned carts and combating cart abandonment with finesse, DRIP, the omnichannel marketing platform, is a considerable ally.

  • Conversion-focused design templates;
  • Customizable email series with multiple follow-ups;
  • Behavioral automation triggers;
  • Personalized product recommendations;
  • Lead scoring and follow-up automation.

Timing is everything in cart abandonment recovery, and DRIP ensures every opportunity is noticed. Their automated abandoned product blocks appear in customers’ inboxes within an hour of abandonment, catching their attention while their interest is still hot.

DRIP’s multichannel cart recovery strategies give businesses a powerful advantage by engaging customers through various channels like email, SMS, and social media. This comprehensive approach maximizes the chances of successful cart recovery and boosts overall conversion rates.

DRIP’s Key Features

  • Real-time analytics. DRIP provides detailed analytics and insights into cart abandonment rates and recovery performance, empowering businesses to optimize their strategies for better results;
  • Customizable email series: Build an engaging and personalized email series of two to three emails;
  • Integration with ecommerce platforms. DRIP seamlessly integrates with various ecommerce platforms, making it easy for businesses to set up and recover abandoned carts immediately;
  • Customer journey mapping. This DRIP feature allows businesses to visualize and understand their customers’ interactions with the brand, enabling better targeting and engagement throughout the shopping experience.

DRIP’s Pricing 

  • Free 14-day trial is available;
  • Paid plan starts at $39 per month for 2500 subscribers and unlimited emails.

7. CartBounty

CartBounty is a robust platform crafted to save and recover abandoned shopping carts for WooCommerce. Its live shopping cart monitoring ensures no cart activity goes unnoticed, allowing companies to analyze popular cart items and export abandoned carts for strategic recovery efforts.

  • Live shopping cart monitoring;
  • Automated abandoned cart recovery;
  • Personalized messages with dynamic content and coupon codes;
  • WooCommerce Product Bundles support;
  • Customization options and GDPR compliance.

CartBounty’s automated abandoned cart recovery feature saves businesses valuable time by sending reminders to potential customers using popular platforms like WordPress, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, MailChimp, or BulkGate. These personalized messages with dynamic content and compelling coupon codes entice customers back to complete their purchases.

With CartBounty’s WooCommerce Product Bundles support, businesses can recover incomplete orders and restore custom product fields, maximizing the chances of successful cart recovery. Exclusion options based on products, categories, countries, and languages allow for targeted recovery efforts tailored to specific customer segments.

CartBounty’s Key Features

  • Customized cart recovery rules. Businesses can set up customized cart recovery rules based on specific customer behaviors and preferences, ensuring targeted and effective recovery efforts;
  • Bulk abandoned cart export. CartBounty allows businesses to export abandoned carts in bulk, making it convenient to analyze data and strategize recovery efforts efficiently;
  • Automatic coupon code generation. The platform can automatically generate unique coupon codes for abandoned cart recovery emails;
  • User-friendly interface. The intuitive interface makes it easy for businesses to set up and manage cart abandonment recovery campaigns without technical expertise.

CartBounty’s Pricing 

  • Free WordPress plugin available with feature limitations;
  • One-year single-site license costs $39.

Abandoned Cart FAQs

Why are carts abandoned?

There can be numerous reasons, the most popular being:

  • Unexpected charges. It’s best you show the total price the customer will have to pay (including shipping) as soon as possible to avoid any nasty surprises just before the customer is ready to enter their card information;
  • Account creation prompting. Keep the checkout process as quick as possible. Asking your customers to register by entering their name and email address might take enough time to make them want to leave.
  • Limited delivery choices. Long delivery time or high price can sometimes carry the same level of importance as the product. Consider offering several delivery options so customers can choose one that fits their needs.
  • Payment getaway failure. If the payment has failed, it’s most probably not the customer’s fault, and they’ll look where it works. Better keep your payment methods updated.
  • Invasive security. If the number of abandoned cards unnaturally rises at one point, you may suspect it’s not your human customers doing. Unfortunately, as much as you may invest in online security, some maleficent programs might still find a way through.

How to reduce cart abandonment?

We’ve already covered that abandoned cart emails, and popups are the best tools for abandoned cart recoveries. Now, let’s see what kind of strategies you can use for recovering abandoned carts:

  • Create unique, single-use coupon codes. To improve your abandoned cart strategy, you’ll need a special coupon code that only applies to a specific product, group of products, or target audience segment and expires after a single use.
  • Personalize coupons. You can personalize your coupon discounts to individual customers based on what they’ve previously purchased. This increases the likelihood that the customer will use the coupon.
  • Create a sense of urgency. You can create a promo code with a timeframe for its users to create a sense of urgency. Better put up a countdown timer showing how much time they have left to use that promo code.
  • Gamify your abandoned cart emails. You can gamify your emails by creating contests, for instance, giving a discount to the first 100 cart abandoners who click on the CTA button.
  • Schedule your abandoned cart emails. Timing plays an important role in abandoned cart recovery. Schedule your email campaign at these intervals:
    • Send the first email within an hour of the abandonment; 
    • Set up a follow-up email scheduled after 10-12 hours.
    • Schedule the final reminder after 24 hours.

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Author bio 

Vesta Oldenburg is a content writer specializing in email marketing strategies. In her daily work, creativity intertwines with a strategic mindset to create content that captivates its readers.

About author
Camilla is the content wizard who weaves creativity and strategy into every piece she works on. Her expertise lies in crafting impactful content that drives results.

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