
How to Create an Email Newsletter

Jun 4, 2024 - By Camilla Mackeviciute

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Email newsletters are not just a trend, they’re a powerful tool for engaging your prospects and online audiences. If you haven’t started one yet, you’re missing out on a significant opportunity to connect with your subscribers. 

What exactly is an email newsletter? Is it something I should include in my email marketing strategy? Where can I find examples of companies that are doing it well? How do I write a newsletter? If these questions have been on your mind lately, you’re in the right place. 

Read this blog post until the end to learn how to start a newsletter and send out email content to engage your subscribers.

So, let’s begin.

What is an Email Newsletter?

Newsletters deliver valuable content and updates to subscribers regularly — daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Unlike transactional emails, which focus on specific actions or transactions, newsletters prioritize informing, educating, and building relationships with your audience.

Types of Email Newsletter

There are several types of newsletters you may consider based on your email marketing strategy and goals:

  • Company updates newsletter keeps subscribers informed about recent company news, milestones, and changes;
  • Blog digest newsletter summarizes or highlights recent blog posts, providing a convenient way for readers to stay up-to-date;
  • Industry news newsletter curates and shares relevant news, trends, and insights from within a specific industry; 
  • Educational newsletter offers valuable information, tips, and resources to help subscribers learn and grow their knowledge;
  • Promotional newsletter promotes products, services, or special offers to encourage sales and engagement;
  • Event newsletter announces upcoming events, provides details, and encourages attendance;
  • Customer spotlight newsletter showcases successful customers, testimonials, and case studies to build credibility and inspire others.

Save time and effort creating engaging newsletters with Sender’s drag-and-drop email builder and responsive email templates.


How to Create an Email Newsletter Campaign?

Wondering how to start an email newsletter that grabs attention and delivers results? 

Creating a memorable newsletter is both a creative and strategic process. Here’s a simple how-to guide to help you make decisions at every step of building an email newsletter for your brand: 

Prepare Email Newsletter Strategy

Kick things off by writing down what you want to achieve with your newsletter. This clarity is crucial as it shapes the direction of your content and how you measure success. Here’s how to make it possible: 

  • Pinpoint the purpose. What’s your newsletter aiming to do? Boost brand visibility, ramp up sales, or keep your community in the loop? Decide on your primary focus; 
  • Set measurable targets. Choose specific indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, or conversion rates to track how well your newsletter is performing; 
  • Align with your broader goals. Your newsletter should not just float in its own bubble. Make sure its objectives are in sync with your overall marketing and growth strategy.  

Once you have clear goals and objectives, think about how your newsletter can add value — the main reason your subscribers should open and read it. Don’t expect much engagement if your content is purely promotional.

There are a few ways you can make your newsletter content relevant and valuable for your readers:

  • Share early access, discounts, or unique content subscribers can’t find anywhere else;
  • Tailor the content based on subscriber data or preferences;
  • Provide helpful content that can make your readers’ lives easier.

You should also aim for consistency with your newsletter content. Send them regularly to keep subscribers engaged and keep your branding (image and tone of voice) consistent across each email.

Choose a Newsletter Software

The success of your email marketing campaigns depends on the software you pick as your email newsletter creator.

So, spend some time evaluating different newsletter tools. Make sure to choose an email marketing service that not only meets your current needs but also grows with you: 

  • Prioritize essential features. Choose software that brings essentials to the table – think automation, detailed analytics, drag-and-drop editor, and responsive templates that support and improve your email marketing efforts; 
  • Ease of use. Go for a platform that’s straightforward and intuitive. If you’re going for consistent email marketing campaigns and analyzing metrics, simplicity is key to saving time; 
  • Growth ready. Make sure the software can handle an expanding audience and increasing email volume. You want a solution that grows with you without a hitch in performance or a steep climb in costs.

Set Up Your Email Newsletter Lists

Without an audience awaiting your content in their inbox, even your fall flat. That said, let’s look at how you should set up your subscriber list:

Import an Email List

If you already have an email list, you should be able to import it easily into your chosen email marketing software.

However, before doing it, ensure your email list is in a CSV or TXT file with columns for data like email addresses, names, and any other information, as you’ll be asked to match them to the corresponding fields in the software.

Create an Email List

If you still need to create your own email list, here are tried and tested ideas to do it:

  • Embed signup forms and popups: Strategically place signup forms or popups on your site to convert visitors into newsletter subscribers; 
  • Offer incentives. Motivate visitors to subscribe by offering exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products; 
  • Communicate the benefits. Highlight the value subscribers will receive, such as insider information or special offers, to increase signup rates. 

Did you know you can set up a newsletter sign-up form for free using Sender’s drag-and-drop popup & signup form builder?

Never Buy Email Newsletter Subscription Lists

You might be tempted to buy an email list, especially if yours is small or you don’t have any. However, it’s strongly unadvised. 

The recipients have to opt in to receive your content; otherwise, it will lead to low engagement and high unsubscribe rates, not to mention a damaged sender reputation and higher risks of violating anti-spam laws. 

Once your emails are marked as spam or your account is penalized by email service providers, there’ll be little you can benefit from your newsletters.

Create Newsletter Campaign

Once you have your newsletter strategy in place, find an email marketing software that can handle programs of any size, and get your email list ready, you can create your newsletter campaign. Here are the steps to answer how:

Select a Newsletter Template

Design isn’t just about looks; it’s a vital engagement element that impacts how readers interact with your content and perceive your brand. 

Your email newsletter format should be eye-catching and represent your brand’s essence. Choose a premade email template and use an email newsletter builder to customize it quickly. You can then use this customized template to create a digital newsletter with the snap of a finger.

A beautiful newsletter template will compel your subscribers to read till the end and convert. Also, having a standard template will create a strong brand recall in the long run. 

Here are some more email newsletter design tips: 

  • Opt for responsive email newsletter templates. Use a responsive template to ensure your newsletter is accessible (and readable) on every email service and every device – whether a phone, tablet, or desktop; 
  • Add your brand’s design language. Seamlessly weave in your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo to craft business newsletters that align with your brand guidelines; 
  • Simplicity is key. Adopt a minimalist design approach while creating a newsletter format. A clean layout with plenty of white space is a great example of a simple yet effective design. It not only boosts readability but also looks elegant. 

Add Personalization & Content

Let’s face it: nobody wants to get the same generic email as everyone else. To stand out, you need to personalize and add great content. 

So, dive into your email list and segment your subscribers based on their interests, what they’ve bought before, or how much they engage with your brand. Then, create content that speaks directly speaks to each segment. 

As for the content itself, ensure that it first and foremost offers something valuable to the reader, whether it’s educational articles, insider tips, or exclusive deals. You can promote your products or services but also mix it up with content that educates or entertains your readers.


Preview and Send a Test Email

Mistakes will always happen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t prevent some of them. Always test your newsletters before sending them.

Send the test email to different email services to see if it displays correctly on all email clients and devices. Be sure to check for typos, too.

Consider involving someone who hasn’t seen the newsletter before in the testing process. Their fresh perspective might uncover issues that you might have missed, enhancing the overall quality of your newsletter.

Send Your Email Newsletter

Once your newsletter is ready, you have a few options for sending it. You may send it out to reach your subscribers’ inboxes immediately, or you can schedule it for later. 

The scheduling feature is especially useful if you know the time when your subscribers are the most likely to engage but won’t be able to hit ‘send’ at that moment.

Alternatively, you can leverage email automation. Create a workflow and ensure your automated email newsletter reaches your subscribers at the perfect time (even when you’re off the clock).

Leverage Tracking and Analytics

Email newsletter platforms offer built-in analytics dashboards. This way you can track every click, open, and conversion and see real-time updates on what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to optimize your campaigns:

  • In-depth analytics. Get the scoop on your audience’s interests, preferences, and activity; 
  • Subscriber insights. Know what your subscribers like, segment your list according to their preferences, and personalize your future campaigns based on past performance.

5 Email Newsletter Examples to Inspire You

Every brand or business has a different approach to newsletters. Some run a periodical that shares company news, while others use newsletter audiences to promote their latest offers. 

These are just a few examples and ideas email marketers can get inspired by:

1. Weekly Newsletter Example by Taylor Stitch 

Weekly newsletters are a great way to stay on top of your subscriber’s minds. Brands plan weekly newsletters to share new blog posts, the latest brand news, collections, product launch news, and exciting things planned for the week ahead. Here’s an example of a weekly newsletter by Taylor Stitch: 

Image source: Taylor Stitch

The newsletter reminds users about the upcoming summer season — warm weather and preparing for a wardrobe upgrade. The next section shares some outfit ideas for summer with a CTA to shop the products from the brand’s store. 


The contextual discussion about changing weather and summer collection fits the right image in the reader’s mind — they need something for summer, and the CTA entices them to check out the summer collection. 

Key Takeaways

  • Use a common theme for the weekly newsletter; 
  • Add contextual product links and CTAs to drive the discussion toward buying something. 

2. Monthly Newsletter Example by Apple

Sending a monthly newsletter is a great idea to keep subscribers engaged with the latest updates. You can share the latest happenings, industry information, product updates, just like Apple did here:

Image source: Apple

The minimalist layout makes reading easier and will motivate readers to explore. The short snippets of text nicely condense all the most important information about the new product and entice readers to explore more on the brand’s website. 

Key Takeaways

  • Leave bigger announcements as product launches and brand updates for monthly newsletters so as not to overwhelm the subscribers;
  • Focus on a single topic in your newsletter so as not to distract from the key information; 
  • Break information into short paragraphs and supplement with images to ease readability.  

3. Blog Digest Newsletter by Refinery29

If you have a blog, a blog digest newsletter is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. By showcasing the newest or most popular articles, you arouse the readers’ curiosity and entice them to read more.

For instance, Refinery29, a digital media and entertainment website, uses its daily blog digest to ensure that its freshest content is always noticed:

Image source: Refinery29

Key Takeaways

  • Give your blog digest a distinct name to separate from other types of newsletters;
  • For better readability, keep your layout simple and minimalist with lots of white space; 
  • Add prominent CTA buttons to encourage readers to visit your website.  

4. Promotional Newsletter by Pangaia

As with any newsletter, ensure your promotional newsletters are relevant and valuable to the reader. 

For example, understanding that in the winter season, subscribers mostly shop for others than themselves (hint: Christmas), sustainable fashion brand Pangaia presented their sale as a good opportunity to shop for gifts:

Image source: Pangaia

However, it’s not all that makes this newsletter so special. The brand was also sure to include delivery details, ensuring the buyers would receive a perfect gift just in time for the holiday. They even suggest a plan B if the reader misses out on the sale and delivery window — a gift card they can receive immediately.

Key Takeaways

  • Keep the email body brief, action-oriented and highlight key details;
  • Ease the navigation by providing links to specific product groups;
  • You can add additional information, but use reading hierarchy to ensure that the main focus is kept.

5. Educational Newsletter by Everyday Oil

Educational newsletters help you showcase your brand’s expertise and thought leadership. This builds brand credibility, makes your audience more likely to turn to you for advice, and builds a strong and loyal community in the long run. 

While often educational newsletters share how to get the most out of a brand’s products, it doesn’t mean you can’t go beyond, as natural cosmetic company Everyday Oil’s example shows:

Image source: Everyday Oil

The brand occasionally shares practical tips on everyday topics or mental health advice. While this doesn’t directly include their products, it creates a friendly and trustworthy brand image that’s likely to win over subscribers’ hearts (and entice them to shop).

Key Takeaways

  • Share educational content that can somehow enrich your subscribers’ lives;
  • To make the content relevant, address the seasonal topics or common pain points;
  • Make the content easy to digest with illustrations and short paragraphs.

How to Optimize Email Marketing Campaigns

Only by constantly adapting and improving can you be sure that your email campaigns result in success. Apply these practices for the best results:

Ensure Content Quality

While what content you create depends on your creative process and industry, there are two checkpoints you should follow to ensure its quality:

  • Relevance and value. Provide valuable content that addresses the interests, needs, and pain points of your target audience;
  • Clear and crisp writing. Use clear and straightforward language. Keep your sentences and paragraphs brief to make it easy for readers to understand and retain the information.

Another thing to consider about content quality is accuracy and credibility. Ensure that all information presented in the newsletter is factual and up-to-date. If you’re sourcing curated content, make sure to fact-check everything before you share.

You should also proofread and edit content without leaving any stone unturned to eliminate errors, ensuring a professional and trustworthy appearance.

Finally, remember that you’re writing to your readers, so they should have a word in it. In each newsletter, include CTAs inviting readers to share their thoughts and content ideas about what they want to read next. 

Craft Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

The subject line is the best way to capture the reader’s attention and is one of the main reasons someone opens an email. 

Here are a few tips to craft compelling subject lines: 

  • Use action verbs to capture a reader’s attention; 
  • Keep your subject lines short and sweet; 
  • Avoid generic subject lines with words like “New Product” or “Special Offer”; 
  • Personalize your subject line using the reader’s first name or another data point; 
  • A/B test your newsletter campaigns to find winning subject lines; 
  • Use a subject line generator or tool to create a compelling subject line; 
  • Add emojis to your subject line to grab attention instantly. 

Still feeling stuck with your email subject lines? Check out our amazing subject line library for a boost of inspiration.

Add a Clear and Effective Call-to-Action

A powerful call-to-action (CTA) button has the potential to blow up your traffic, sales revenue, and conversion rates. 

A good CTA guides the reader through the entire conversion process. They know what to do next with a CTA (buying the product, visiting a page, or signing up for the service).

Here’s how to ensure your CTAs are effective: 

  • Visibility. Make your CTA buttons or links prominent and easy to find; 
  • Be specific. Be clear about what you want the subscriber to do next; 
  • Make them personal. Use different CTAs for different segments or content types to increase relevance.

For example, suppose your newsletter is about a product update. In that case, you can add a CTA asking users to try the product themselves or prompting them to check out YouTube videos demonstrating it.

Timing and Frequency

Newsletters are sent to your audience periodically, which means readers expect to hear from you in a similar format at a specific time. They expect a newsletter edition from you every week or month, as you told them in your welcome email or landing page. 

Here’s what you must remember: 

  • Find the optimal sending time: Experiment with different sending times and days to discover when your audience is most likely to open and engage with your newsletter.
  • Maintain consistency. Stick to a regular sending schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, to keep your brand top-of-mind with subscribers and build anticipation among your subscribers; 
  • Respect preferences. Listen to your audience’s preferences regarding how often they wish to receive your emails and adjust your sending frequency accordingly.
  • Experiment. Test different days and times to find the optimal schedule for your newsletter campaigns. 

Stick to a schedule and a standard format or template. Use an email marketing platform like Sender if you want to simplify everything. With a drag-and-drop builder, pre-made templates library, and automation capabilities, you can standardize your newsletter design and maintain consistency. 

Excited to start your first email newsletter? Discover top-notch email marketing tools in these curated articles on software essentials:

Author Bio

Anmol Ratan Sachdeva is a content marketer and small business consultant who has a strong grip on topics like marketing automation, email marketing, and content marketing. He loves to write about starting, improving, and growing a business.

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