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11 Effective Referral Email Templates (Sales, Employee + Tips)

Jan 13, 2022 - By Camilla Mackeviciute

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Are you asking what is one of the most effective ways to acquire new customers or employees? Of course, it’s referrals!

You could ask your existing clients to recommend your brand to their associates. And by that, expand your customer base. When you have an open job opportunity, you request your employees to refer a friend for the chance.

It’s a great networking strategy that saves you time and money. But, most importantly, referrals can get you loyal customers or employees.

On the other hand, you could be the one making a recommendation for someone to get a job or refer them to buy a product you like. Whichever position you stand in, all you need is an ideal referral email.

This article provides insight into your referral journey by providing great subject lines and email template examples.

Compelling Referral Email Templates

This section provides various examples to motivate you to take your referrals a notch higher and get the best outcome.

1. Referral Request Email

Subject line: Recommend us to someone.

Hello (Name),

Wow! Glad that you gave us an excellent score in the concluded customer survey. We’re excited to hear we’ve reached – or maybe gone beyond – your expectations!

As part of[ brand name] fraternity, we’d like those close to you to benefit from [ your product/ service] as you have. So kindly introduce your colleagues, friends, and family to [brand name], and their search for [product/ service] will come to a dead end.

Many thanks for considering my request.


If you intend to ask for referrals from your customers, make it more of celebrating their happiness. Focus on their satisfaction with your brand, which you would like to extend to those close to them.

Drawing from the above example, the brand had just concluded an email survey and is confident that the customers are happy with its products.

In this referral email, the company desires to extend the same benefits the customer has enjoyed to other parties without directly asking for a referral.

2. Job Referral Email

Subject line: Hiring in progress!

We’re happy to announce an open job opportunity for a [Job title] to work in our [Department name].

The individual will undertake [1-3 significant duties] and should have [outline the qualification requirements].

Do you have someone in mind who could be a good fit? Make a referral [Include contact details of how the referrer can reach out to you or the relevant desk].

Thank you.

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

Referred employees are highly dependable and very productive. It’s the best way to obtain new employees. They have a higher retention rate than the employees you acquire through other means. This hiring strategy is also less expensive and saves time.

The subject line of the above job referral request email is short and precise. Overall, it summarizes the referral message of the email content.

The email creates a sense of agency as it indicates that hiring is ongoing. Then, it highlights the job description and outlines how to send the resume referral.

Ready to boost your referrals effortlessly? Try Sender and send personalized referral emails that convert — it’s just a click away!


3. Thank You for the Job Referral Email

Subject line: Job referral appreciation

Dear [Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.] Last name

Thank you very much for recommending me for the [Job title] position at [Employer name]. I had the interview [day/ date] with [Names and Job titles of the panelists]at [Location].

The interview session was great and became a learning avenue for me. I’m looking forward to the next steps of the hiring process.[Name] told me that they would be getting back to me in [Timeframe]. I’ll keep you in the know if you don’t mind. 

Once again, I highly appreciate your help. Thank you.

Best regards.

[Your Name]

[Your Tagline]

[Your job search email address]

When people refer you to hiring managers, they put you in a position you wouldn’t have been in without their connections. It’s, therefore, courteous to send them a thank you message and brief them on your progress in the hiring exercise.

The beneficiary of a job referral above does exactly that! Also, the sender of this email goes a notch higher to promise to keep the recipient up to date as he climbs the hiring ladder.

Also read: 70+ Thank You Email Subject Lines (Examples, Ideas)

4. Internal Employee Referral Email to HR

Subject line: Referral suggestion


I want to recommend [Referee name] for [Job title]. I met [Name] at [an event like a business summit], and I’ve known [Them] for the past [Timeframe]. [Name] is fit for the job as they have [list their essential skills].

[Brief the potential employer on the applicant’s past achievements and include real examples].

[Name] will give a good kick to our company’s [state the area that the applicant can improve through their skills]. So if you’ve any questions about [Name], feel free to contact me.



[Your full Name] 

Most companies acquire their most productive employees from referral programs. If your employer is in the process of hiring new employees, you can help them save money and time by sending them a “refer a friend” email.

However, your contact should have the right skills for the job and strong work integrity. As the referrer, their negative behavior may tarnish your reputation at the workplace.

From the above template, you should provide essential details of the referee, their achievements and highlight how the company will benefit from the applicant’s skills.

Also read: 18 ideas for Human Resources Newsletter

5. Referral Program Email

Subject line: Referral program invitation!

Hi [Customer Name]

It’s our great pleasure to inform you of your approval to participate in [Company’s] Referral Program. You’ve qualified for [customized reward] when you refer new customers to our Company.

Head over to [Portal link] and use your email and the temporary password to start. Your password is [xxxxxxxx]. You can change it or use it as it is once you log in.

Share this special link: [Unique link] to earn rewards immediately.


Marketing Team


In your referral program, you want your existing customers to help you acquire new ones by becoming your brand ambassadors.

The B2B referral program email template above welcomes their clients to be part of their referral program. It provides a referral link for the referrer and a password to make referrals easily.

The use of incentives for the participants is an excellent way of inspiring them to work progressively!

6. Sales Referral Email for Business

Subject line: Make a recommendation!

Hello [Name] 

I hope everything is going well on your end. [include an anecdote].

I am glad you’re happy with our services on [Project details]. I’m reaching out to you to request referrals. If you have someone who could be interested in such services as ours, kindly recommend them.

We look forward to increasing our customer base with your assistance and [including essential details like availability].

If anyone comes to your mind, do not hesitate to let me know. Alternatively, you can direct them to [website or social platforms].


If you offer your customers satisfying services, they won’t be mean to refer their colleagues, friends, and family to your brand. However, some customers may not be willing! In this case, ask them where you can improve to help your business’s overall growth.

The sample template above can inspire you to craft referral emails that turn your customers into brand ambassadors.

7. Payment Referral Email

Subject line: Thank you for being our brand ambassador!

Hi [Customer Name],

It’s come to our attention that you [Action taken]. As a result, we’d like you to be part of our referral program, where you can earn [Reward] for referring customers to our website.

To make our program even better, we’ve added referral options to include emails, tweets, and sharing your view on our brand on Facebook.

To get started, [give instructions].

We’ve put measures in place to ensure that you get your [Customized Reward].

Invite a friend and grab your prize!

Thank you, 

Marketing team


You send payment referral messages when conducting an affiliate program. For example, in our sample email above, the brand recognizes the customers’ efforts and upgrades the program by providing social channels for more referrals. 

In addition, the company offers incentives for every recommendation a client makes.

8. Referral Email for a Friend

Subject line: Refer a friend for [Job title]

Dear Mr/ Ms [HR name]

As you’re reviewing applicants for the [Job title], I’d like to recommend my friend, [friend name]. They will be applying tomorrow. 

I know [Name] as a hardworking person after working with them for six years at a previous job. They are time conscious and complete all the assignments before the set deadlines. [Name] takes the initiative of what can be done and accomplishes that.

This candidate has job ethics and is goal-oriented. They have constantly won Best Performers awards! 

I’m convinced that [Friend name] is an excellent choice for this position. They are willing to undertake training if necessary. For any questions concerning [Name], let me know.

Yours truly,

[Your Name]

Here, you’re sending a “refer a friend email” to your HR for an open job opportunity in your organization. By suggesting someone you know, provide every necessary detail to enable your friend to get the job. 

Portray the referee as the best candidate for the job title by sharing their previous achievements and job ethics.

9. Ask For a Referral Email

Subject line: Introduction to [contact name] at [company name]

Hi [Referrer name]

I hope you’re doing great. In my efforts to search for a job in [ job type/ industry], I’ve come across a great fit: [position name plus its link] at [company name].

I understand [Target name], who is a (job title) at [company name] is your close associate. So if you’re comfortable, I’ll appreciate it if you recommend me to them.

I’ve included my resume and a few lines below to provide context, and you can ask for any other helpful thing.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

[Your Name] 

A particular company has an open chance for your dream job. In the same institution works a member of your professional or personal network.

You can request an endorsement and introduction to the HR official of the company—this email needs to be straightforward, like the one above. Be sure to include your resume to ease the referral process.

Also read: 55+ Introduction Email Subject Lines

10. Referral Introduction Email

Subject line: [Mutual contact] suggested we connect 

Dear [First Name]

I’m reaching out to you as requested by [mutual connection]- copied to this email.

Through [Mutual connection], I understand that you [identify their pain point]. Let me bring to your attention that we’ve been working with [two to three companies of its kind] and have been able to [key achievements]. We could be of help [the contact company] too.

If you are ready to start, I’d like to schedule a phone call for further engagement. I am available [ x, y, and z times]. Which one works for you?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

Here you want to connect with someone you have a mutual connection with. For example, this email you send to an individual after receiving a referral from a mutual relationship.

Ensure that the referrer makes the first email connection and sends a copy to you and the referee. That way, you get a foundation upon which you can build your new relationship.

Make the recipient of this email feel that you’ll address all their pain points.

11. Networking Email Referral

Subject line: Let’s connect!

Hello [Name]

I hope you’re having a fabulous week!

Am [Your name], a [your job title] at [company]. I am contacting you because I admire your [expertise/ specific experience] and was referred to by [referrer’s Name]. 

If it’s okay with you, I’d like to [have coffee/connect virtually] to [ learn more from your experience/get in touch].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

You could reach out to a stranger in your search for a new job to expand your expertise in your industry or enlarge your circle of professional contacts.

Even though networking is beneficial, it’s not easy to approach an unfamiliar person to build relationships. Therefore, you need to craft a convincing networking email to strike up a conversation.

The cold email template above can give you a roadmap for boosting your networking efforts.

Catchy Referral Email Subject Lines

Like any other email, referral emails require attention-grabbing titles to enhance their open rates. Below are some sample subject lines that you can emulate when creating one.

  • Inviting referrals for [business unit name] || [job title]
  • [Referral program name] || Inviting referrals
  • Referral from [Name of the person]: [job title]
  • [Name of the person] referred me for [job title]
  • “Contacting you at [Referral] ‘s suggestion.”
  • “[Name] suggested I reach out.”
  • Referral by [Name of the person]

Also read: 40+ Sponsorship Email Subject Line Examples 

How to Write Effective Referral Email Tips

Here, we look at everything you ought to do to obtain the ideal results for your referral emails.

Build a Strong Subject Line

Email subject lines determine the open rate of emails!

Reaching out to senior executives of a company isn’t an easy task. These people have tight schedules and are likely to skip any email with an unclear title.

Hence, you need to put your best foot forward using a solid and catchy subject line. Here, including the Name of your referrer and your purpose for writing the email attracts the recipient’s attention and quickens them to open it.

Use the Business Letter Format 

Since you’re addressing your potential employer, the first impression is significant. Therefore, portray your professionalism by crafting your email like a business letter. After all, its business communication and formatting is crucial!

So, be sure to start your email with a letterhead, the hiring manager’s contact details, short paragraphs, your contact details, and a signature. If you need a quick start, consider checking on this guide on how to create a letterhead in five easy steps.

Emphasize Your Mutual Contact

The recipient’s likelihood of reviewing your resume is higher when you mention the one who made the recommendation in your referral email. Additionally, since they’re familiar with your referrer, they can rely on your email instantly.

Be Straightforward

If the recipient has decided to open your email, make it easy to pick the details! State how you came to know about them, plus your aim of writing to them in the first few lines. In short, get straight to the point.

Keep It Brief

A well-planned and concise email encourages the recipient to read and digest all the facts. So, confine your essential details to a few paragraphs. Don’t be tempted to give an extensive employment history or the reason behind your job search.

Give the Next Course of Action

Tell the reader that you’re familiar with the job qualification and description and need further engagement with them. It could be on a call or in person, and provide your contact details. Giving such a suggestion to your prospective employer increases your chances of consideration.

Thank the Recipient

Now that the reader has taken time to go through your email, thank them for their time and consideration. It inspires them to reply right away.

How to Mention a Referral in an Email

When you send a referral email, you allow the recipient to think through your request. But how do you include a referral in your email? Here is how.

  • Mention your referrer. Talk about the person who recommended you to the recipient in the first paragraph. Include their Name and brief the reader on your connection with them.
  • Inform the recipient how you know your connector. Explain how you know your referrer and how they came to identify your job skills and qualifications.
  • Highlight why they are recommending you. Let the reader know your specific qualities that make your endorser think you’re up to the task. Mention what you have to offer to the organization if given an opportunity.

Crafting Compelling Referral Emails That Stand Out

You can write referral emails to acquire new customers, hire new employees or recommend someone to a potential employer. Whichever the case, your referral email is the key to the success of your efforts.

Therefore, you must design emails that make it through your recipients’ inboxes and accomplish their referral mission.

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About author
Camilla is the content wizard who weaves creativity and strategy into every piece she works on. Her expertise lies in crafting impactful content that drives results.

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