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11 Customer Service Email Templates: Examples, Tips

Dec 8, 2021 - By Aabhas Vijay

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On average, it takes just three seconds for a person to decide whether or not to read the email you send them.

When it comes to customer service emails, the time is even shorter. In fact, in the case of service emails, a single email can make or break your brand image. 

Hence the question: how to design relevant customer care emails, able to capture the attention of recipients and achieve the expected objective? HubSpot surveyed and interviewed thousands of customers to identify effective customer care, email models.

I have tried to keep in mind all the points suggested by industry leaders which I came across while researching for this content. 

Today we will discuss some cool ideas surrounding the customer care industry emails, from apology emails to clients to email responses to customer complaints we got everything covered.

First I want to tell you that whenever you receive an email regarding a query, issue or complaint, it is empirical that you respond to these swiftly and make sure that your revert emails land up in your inbox.

I want to share my personal experiences here to amplify the need of having a good email server reputation or use a service with very good deliverability so that your emails (Especially customer service emails) land up in Inbox.

Importance of Customer Service Emails through a Personal ordeal

Here is an experience shared by Aabhas, founder Smtpservers to help you understand the importance of service emails. Here goes –

“I started my journey as an entrepreneur in the Re-Commerce domain, Way back in 2016, it was a platform where you can sell your electronic devices. We started off with a “sell and get instant payment model”, we were a bootstrapped startup & had limited resources and here is what happened. 

An XYZ (I want to be gender-neutral) sold us their iPhone 7 (which was picked up) and due to the system glitch, we were not able to process the payment at the very moment. We sent an apology email regarding the same & assuring that the payment will be processed within 48 hrs but the email somehow landed in the SPAM folder, and the customer did not check it.

We all went home that night, to our surprise the next morning when we got to the office, we had huge negative reviews on our social media platforms,  GMB page and even on the comments of our FB ads, they were everywhere. 

We had been called a thief, unprofessional and all sorts of nasty things online. The customer had posted on social media that it (gender neutrality) has been robbed off its phone and we appear as a Ponzi scheme to make quick bucks, which was shared by her friends and family members on their social profiles. Which started an infinite loop. It was horrible!! The orders that we received daily went down 18% the following day and 24% the next day after that. 

We were able to get back up, but it took some serious reputation management, time & resources. Currently, we have over 100+ full-time employees and provide services to over 25 Indian cities, so everything’s going good.”  

The point here is that when you are dealing with an agitated customer, everything can be sorted out just through a quick, polite response that lands up in their inbox. I have become paranoid with email delivery and recommend tools with good deliverability like Sender or similar tier platform.

In this article, I have tried to keep the tone of email examples “cool”, direct and more “friendly”. Hope these emails provide you with a really valuable source of inspiration to improve the way you approach your clients. 

Let’s start by keeping in mind some of the most important tips or best practices in mind while designing your service mails. 

Best Practices for Designing Service Emails

Personalise your Emails 

This is without saying one of the most basic practices an email marketer should follow while designing your emails. This makes your customers feel appreciated and gives a sense of one-to-one interaction.

Also read: 7+ Email Personalization Practices with Real Examples

Keep the Customer Conversation History Handy

Keeping past complaints and interaction of clients with your support staff handy while resolving their recent complaints can help in a big way to understanding their issues and helping them out.

While designing your emails, if you have questions like Whether they faced the same issue in the past? Or when they became your customer? Keeping this info handy can help you set the tone of your emails.

Mind Their Business & Organisational Hierarchy 

It is a little similar to the above point but a very imp point to keep in mind. Skim through the info you have about their business and org hierarchy to better understand the reason for their reaching out.

Also, it does play a vital role to keep in mind who reached out to you, The people you are dealing with are the top tier of the org hierarchy?  Do you understand their business model and how they use your product and service to fulfil their needs?

Resonate With Their Problem

It’s always better to try and understand why they are facing the issue before drafting your email? If there are some unanswered questions try to get an appropriate answer to these before moving forward with an email response to a customer complaint. Remember to keep the tone of your emails empathetic and friendly. So that it shows that you care and increase the retention of your customers. 

Now that we are well acquainted with some of the best practices, let’s look at some of the points to keep in mind while responding to an angry customer. 

Points to Keep in Mind While Responding to an Angry Customer

  1. Quick response to the complaint has shown to alleviate the angry customer so: Respond as soon as possible 
  2. Apologize for the negative experience they have received and point out that you are well aware of the fact that it has cost them money and time. 
  3. Try to explain what went haywire? – A good explanation can work wonders in elevating the anger 
  4. Reassurance goes a long way – Reassure your customer that you have noted the complaint and this will not be repeated in the future
  5. Offer discount or incentive for their negative experience 
  6. Once the issue is resolved always ask if they have any further feedback, suggestions or unanswered questions on their mind.
  7. Follow up with the customer after some days to see if anything is moving smoothly

Customer Service Email Template Examples

Keeping in mind the tips I have suggested above I have some email examples for you that can help you set the tone of your future customer service emails. 

Email Response to Customer Complaint

Customers can be tough, I get it. When a customer reaches out to you with a complaint it’s definitely not a pleasant conversation, but you need to be courteous, polite and understanding in your response. 

You need to have a “glass half full” attitude with your customers and look forward to turning a complaining customer into a satisfied one. Take time in drafting your email and present facts and figures. 

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We regret that you had this experience with us. At [Company Name] we value your time and are dedicated to resolving the issue [address the issue] as quickly as possible.

I have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department. We will get back to you ASAP. We appreciate your patience while we resolve the issue. Let me know if can be of any help to you.

Check out the Email response to the customer complaint email sample below:

Hi [Customer Name],

We apologise for the inconvenience caused. We regret that you had this experience with us. At [Company Name] we value your time and are dedicated to resolving the issue [address the issue] as quickly as possible.

I have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department. We will get back to you ASAP. We appreciate your patience while we resolve the issue. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.

Again, we are truly sorry that you encountered this issue with us.
[your name]

Email Responding to a Frustrated Customer Who Churned

Nobody is perfect!! Mistakes happen but how you react to them is what matters. When your customer had a negative experience with your brand it is necessary that you apologize and let them know that you truly regret it. Customers appreciate it when brands acknowledge their mistakes and try to rectify them. It creates respect, enhances the brand experience & brand image in mind of your customers, which in turn enhances your brand loyalty and helps you avoid the much-dreaded customer churn.

Check out the Responding to a frustrated customer who churned email sample below:

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for highlighting the issue and reaching out to us. At [Company name] we do our best to satisfy our customer needs.

I want to apologise that we couldn’t meet your expectations. I have forwarded your request for a refund to the appropriate department. The funds will be reflected within x days.

If you change your mind in future, I will be here to help you in any way possible.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

Email Responding to a Customer Who’s Asking for a Resolution

Now, these types of customers are just a step away from migrating away to your customers, the complaints should be responded to with utmost priority. The email that you send should provide an adequate explanation of the issue. If you have any more questions in mind, ask them right away in this email, an assurance that you are there with them to resolve the issue, any temporary solution you have and so on. 

It’s important to reiterate your stand of providing the best service to them and it is just a one time issue. 

Check out the Responding to a frustrated customer who’s asking for a resolution email sample below:

Hi [Customer name],

I’m sorry for the trouble you’ve been having with [this-feature]. My team and I are doing everything we can to resolve this as fast as possible. [Include steps you are taking, if applicable.]

In order to support you through this, I need some information from you. Could you tell me [important information]? Meanwhile, here are some actions you can take that may resolve the issue: [state actions like restart, resubmit, etc.]. If these don’t work, I’ll get back to you [within one business day] with an alternative solution.

[Your name]

Email Providing the Answer to a Customer’s Issue

In this email always remember that the tone of your email should be optimistic. Come up with a definitive solution or steps to resolve the issue in the quickest way. Make sure to give a temporary solution wherever possible.

Check out the Providing the answer to a customer’s issue email’s sample below:

Hi [Customer name],

Thanks for reaching out! | have an answer to your question about [topic]. [Detail your answer, providing helpful insight into why an issue happened or background on company info].

If you have any more questions or come across any other issue, let me know, I’ll be happy to help.

Have a great day,
[Your name]

Customer Service Follow-up Email

When a customer reaches out to you with a complaint and once it has been resolved. Remember to check with them if they are still facing any issue or whether they have some query regarding the issue they faced earlier. Always be on your toes to answer any question that your customers might have. It will make your customers appreciate you even more. 

Check out this customer service follow-up email example below:

Hi [Customer Name],

Hope you are having a great time. I am reaching out to you today regarding the issue you faced the other day.

Was it resolved? Do you need any additional help with it? I would be glad if I could help you in any way to get the issue resolved as soon as possible.

[Your Name]

Keep in Touch Email Template

A customer is your professional family, and you should make your clients feel that you truly care. If your customer is migrating to one of your competitors, it’s alright, don’t get envious, rather try to see the reason behind their movement. Any time period your customers have been associated with you, both you and your customer has given their time to build this professional relationship. 

Keep the tone of your email professional to show that you mean only good for them and you are looking forward to serving them in the future. 

Check out the sample for keep in touch email below:

Hi [Customer Name],

We are sorry to see you go. Being in business with you for X years/months was a privilege. We have grown together and have made several positive changes in our product based on your feedback. We really appreciate the valuable time you have spent with us.

Now that you are on a new path, don’t forget about us. –) We would love to remain in touch and see you grow to great heights.

Stay in touch and all the best for your future venture.

[Your Name]

Refusing the Discount Request

This might get tricky. The email response to a client request for a discount on a certain product or plan should be polite. They expect to get a reduced price when making the request. They might get agitated when you refuse them the discount; this may lead to a poor brand experience. So you should keep in mind to decline their request politely and give them anything in return if you can (for e.g. access to some premium content etc.).

Check out the sample email for how to refuse the discount request below:

Hi [Customer name],

I’m getting back to you regarding the discount you mentioned in your last email. Unfortunately, we can’t give out a discount on your current plan, as it’s already our best value package.

[But, if you’d like to upgrade your plan to take advantage of more features and licences, we can give you a 15% discount until the end of the year].

Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with…

[our name]

Thanking a Customer for Positive Feedback

Feedbacks can make or break a brand. When your customers appreciate your brand, service or product. Encourage them to share this feedback with your circles. Once they share their feedback, surprise them with something in return like a discount, goodie, hamper, amazon gift card etc. 

Check out a sample email on how to thank a customer for positive feedback:

Dear [Customer name],

We really appreciate you taking out time to provide us with positive feedback, we are really excited! We are working hard continuously to improve our [product/service] and it’s motivating to hear such kind words. We love that you love us 🙂

I don’t mean to impose on you, but if you have some time, could you share your impressions on social media or write a review? We have a presence on flink to review sites} and we’d really appreciate it if you could support us there.

Thanks again,
[Your name]

Also read: How To Ask For Customer Feedback

Inform the Customers about Renewal Opportunity

This is something similar to abandoned cart emails. This email is usually sent by the account manager as a reminder to renew their accounts. You can offer a discount on the basis of your customers’ behaviour like if the customer has been checking out the pricing & features of your more premium plan, give them a one-time coupon code to create a sense of urgency and persuade them to upgrade to a better plan. 

Check out a sample on how to inform your customers about renewal opportunities:

Hi [Customer name],

We’d like to thank you for using our product for the past [year] and hope we’ve made a difference for you. We are excited to be a part of your success journey, in increasing your sales and improving the efficiency of your team.

I am reaching out today to remind you that your contract is expiring in [expiry time period] and I wanted to check in with you about renewing your service. If you’re considering renewing or upgrading your contract with us, I’d be happy to walk you through the details. [If you renew before the end of this week, you can benefit from our one-time discount for existing customers].

Depending on your current needs, we can also schedule a short demo, so you can see the recent improvements we’ve made and how they can be useful to you.

Feel free to schedule a call with me by clicking on (this link) or replying to this email. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Respond to a Customers Refund Request 

You can’t satisfy everyone right? Sometimes customers try your product and have different expectations or are looking for some different features. There can be numerous reasons for them to ask for a refund. You need to keep the tone of your emails understanding and that there are no hard feelings. You can also say that you are pleased that they tried your service/product and in future, you are looking to serve them again. 

Check out the sample on how to respond to a customers refund request:

Hi [Customer Name],

I have processed your refund and it will be reflected in your bank account in X business days.

I am sorry to hear that we did not fulfil your requirements. I completely understand that you have a different goal in mind.

If you are still searching for the right product to meet your expectations, feel free to let me know. | would be happy to advise you on which alternative product you can choose.

Thank you for trying our product. Hope to see you as a valued customer in the future.

[Your Name]

Advance your Customer Service Email Templates via Best Practices

In all your emails remember to show compassion, empathy and make the transition process as smooth as possible for your clients. Customer service emails help create a strong rapport in the mind of your clients. These templates are there to give wings to your imagination so you can master the art of sending impactful customer service emails and create a winning customer communication strategy. 

These email templates are also focused to help you decrease the attrition rates as well.   

Also read:

About author

Aabhas Vijay is the founder of SMTPServers a dedicated email marketing blog. He loves to share tricks surrounding how to use a SMTP Server to scale your small and medium businesses.

About author

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