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10 Product Launch Email Examples That Actually Work

Jul 2, 2023 - By Camilla Mackeviciute

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Product launches… Exciting, thrilling, frightening…? On the one hand, you feel happy to announce the new product; on the other, you feel scared of low (or no) interest in your product. 

Worry not; we’re here to help! Despite all challenges, a product launch is an excellent opportunity to engage with your audience through email. A well-written and strategically sent product launch email will also drive sales, so let’s learn how to write one!

What is a Product Launch Email?

A product launch email is a marketing email sent to a targeted audience to announce the release of a new product. Email campaigns are an essential part of any successful product launch strategy. 

The product launch email campaign is designed to inform the audience of the new product, its benefits, new features, and any special discounts or inaugural offers to drive attention, interest, and sales revenue. 

In a world of scattered attention, a beautiful product launch email can save your new product from getting lost in oblivion. When sent to an interested audience with the right amount of personalization, product launch campaigns help you get initial traction for the new product. 

How to Write a Product Launch Email?

Writing a product launch email isn’t tough if you know the fundamental best practices of writing email content. As a refresher, here are a few tips to help you write an exciting product launch email. 

  • Use Attention-grabbing Subject Line. Subject lines are the first thing your audience sees, so always use action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency and excitement. Make sure to personalize it and include the name of the product. 
  • Write a Solid Opening. The first few sentences define whether the reader is hooked to your product launch announcement. So, start with a compelling personal greeting and share a relatable anecdote or story. Establishing a connection with the recipient and generating excitement through your opening lines is important. 
  • Highlight the Benefits. Your email copy should highlight your product benefits clearly and concisely. Always add bullet points to the body to add maximum info about the features and benefits to entice users to click the CTA to know more. 
  • Create a Sense of Urgency. Add details about an inaugural offer or limited-period discount to entice the readers to take action. Top up your offers with a compelling CTA that makes them click and book/buy the product. Add countdown timers to your emails to create a FOMO effect. 
  • End with a Solid CTA. Your call to action should be clear and action-oriented. Make it easy for readers to check out the product on your website. Also, directly link to a checkout page to make them buy faster. 

Product Launch Email Examples

When launching a new product, sending out an email is a great way to get the word out to your customers, employees, and clients. Here are some examples of product launch emails to use as inspiration for your campaigns: 

New Product Announcement Email

A product announcement email is sent to interested audiences. It’s an email to customers about your new product, asking them to try it soon. Here’s an example by ‘him’: 

Subject Line: Just dropped: Hard Mints by Hims

Image source: hims

The clean emailer announces the launch of its new product through a benefits-driven copy. The bullet points further tell more about the product. The ‘Get Started’ CTA button lets readers learn more about the product. 

Key Takeaways

  • Keep your announcement emails short and add relevant copy; 
  • Never forget to add a contextual CTA;
  • Give product benefits strong prominence in copy and design. 

New Product Launch Email to Customer

Product launch emails are always targeted at potential customers. These emails announce the launch of new products and invite them to try the new offerings. Look at the following product launch email by All New Wines: 

Subject Line: All New Wines

Image source: All New Wines

The email is a personal letter that shares that the brand is ready with a new batch of exclusive wine. Plus, it announces the perks of joining the wine club and other details. A great product launch email, considering the luxury niche. They could’ve personalized the letter more, though. 

Key Takeaways

  • Announce your new offering as if you’re telling a friend; 
  • Tease your readers and excite them simultaneously; 
  • Add a relevant CTA to move them further into the buyer’s journey. 

Product Launch Email to Employees

Don’t forget your employees. Product launch email to them is paramount, as well as to customers. With this email, you’ll build trust, excitement and celebrate their contribution to the product. Empower the team and unleash the inspiration and pride of the product you created together! 

Here’s an example of how it can look like:


Want to create product launch emails without a hassle? No worries, our premade templates and simple drag-and-drop email builder will do most of the work for you. For free. 

Product Introduction Email to Client

Introducing a new line of products to your existing customer base is a great way to get sales. Here’s how Pamos introduced their new product to their customers via email: 

Subject Line: Long Island Iced Tea – Now in low dose

Image source: Pamos

The clear product description and the ‘differentiator’ are great examples for anyone creating a product introduction email. 

The question in the middle about taking a pick (with an explanation) is a great qualifier that would definitely make the reader click the CTA. 

Key Takeaways

  • Add a choice (or interactive element) for the reader;
  • Add a brief product description with a contextual CTA;
  • Don’t forget to add an appealing product image. 

Product Release Email Campaign Template

Releasing a new feature or product is a great moment to launch a release email campaign. Have a look at the product release email campaign by Clay: 

Subject Line: You’re Invited to the Future of Networking

Image source: Clay

The beautiful email announces the release of their new feature. The simple email note with a mystical graphic and black background invokes curiosity among readers. The last paragraph and CTA about claiming a spot for priority access does the trick of increasing clickthrough rates. 

Key Takeaways

  • Keep your design simple and elegant; 
  • Invoke curiosity and FOMO by limiting access in the early days; 
  • Remind users why you’re emailing them about the new release. 

Pre-Launch Email Template

Pre-launch emails work as teasers for the upcoming product launch. Here’s a pre-launch email campaign by Brewbike: 

Subject Line: Pumpkin Is Coming 🎃⏳

Image source: Brewbike

The simple email announces the brand’s arrival of the new spice brew. It also teases them with the product packaging and asks them to show their interest and get first access when they launch. 

Key Takeaways

  • Tease the readers with a product’s sneak peek; 
  • Ask them to show their interest by clicking a CTA button (or signing up for early access); 
  • Time your teaser emails well by identifying related trends. 

Also read: What is Promotional Marketing? Definition, Examples, Ideas

Course Launch Email

Announcing the launch of a new course is a great idea if you’ve got an engaged list of learners, as Codeacademy has. Here’s a new course launch email from the company: 

Subject Line: New course: Learn Lua

Image source: Codeacademy

The straightforward email copy announces the launch of their new coding program that teaches beginners how to code. The bullet points highlighting what the reader will learn with a prominent CTA look neat. Adding supplementing material, like the blog about the popularity of the programming language, is also a good tactic.  

Key Takeaways

  • Add relevant course details with easily-scannable pointers; 
  • Add supplemental material that moves the reader further towards buying the course; 
  • Use colors and design elements that align with your brand guidelines and personality. 

New Website Launch Email Marketing Template

Announcing the launch of your new website is a great way to attract traffic, signups, and potential customers. Here’s how Aero announced the website launch via an email: 

​​Subject Line: Our New Website Is Live. Book Flights Today.

Image source: Aero

The email has separate design/copy blocks sharing the news of a new experience. Each section has its contextual CTA taking readers to a separate website page. 

Key Takeaways

  • Announce the launch of a new experience rather than just a website; 
  • Tell us what’s in store for the end customers; 
  • Don’t make the email copy about yourself (or the features). Instead, focus on the benefits to customers. 

New Software Launch Announcement

When running a SaaS business (or any product-led business), you must constantly give product updates and news about new feature launches. Software launch updates are a great way to keep users engaged. Here’s an example: 

Subject Line: 💌 Announcing Tempo 2, redesigned from the ground up

Image source: Tempo 2

The email announces the launch of a new redesign to an existing software. They’re announcing it as a launch on ProductHunt and have shared what’s new in the software. 

The final CTA section about more details on the launch is a great hook for anyone interested in the update. 

Key Takeaways

  • Add what’s new in the email copy when you’re dealing with software; 
  • Always add a contextual CTA to your launch emailer; 
  • Add relevant product screenshots to make people curious about the software. 

New Product Launch Newsletter

Using email newsletters to announce the launch of new collections, products, or offerings is a popular tactic among eCommerce store owners. Have a look at the following product launch newsletter by Eton: 

Subject Line: Introducing: The Lemon Print

Image source: Eton

The product launch email with a sectioned design announces the launch of a new pattern/print in their collection. The large product images followed by the CTA to explore the collection works wonders for an engaged audience or past customers. 

Key Takeaways

  • Add large product images; 
  • Use creative copy about the benefits or specifications of your new product; 
  • Add contextual design elements to emailer design.

Creating a New Product Launch Email Sequence

To maximize the launch opportunity, you must create a detailed email sequence to invoke curiosity, generate interest, and make your subscribers buy your new product. Here’s how to do so using a marketing automation solution

1. Plan your Email Sequence 

Before you start creating a launch sequence, you need to have a strategy. Find answers to the following questions: 

  • What do you want to achieve with your campaign — more sales, awareness, or virality? 
  • Who will be the audience? Do you have a segmented list? 
  • Will you announce at once or tease your audience with multiple emails before launch? 
  • How will you track results? 

Once you answer these questions, setting up your marketing automation sequence will be easy. Follow the next steps to start your email sequence. 

2. Create a New Automation 

When you’ve got the answers, you only need to log in to the dashboard and start a new automation sequence. Create a single launch email that triggers on a specific date or weekly emailers up to the launch date as follows: 

  • Week 1: Teaser email 
  • Week 2: Announcement email 
  • Week 3: Product launch email 
  • Week 4: Product benefits email 

If you haven’t signed up for Sender, do it now. It allows you to create elaborate email sequences using a drag-and-drop automation builder. Plus, you can send your own product launch emails to 2500 subscribers for free, without paying a penny. 

3. Customize Your Email Copy and Design 

Once you’ve set up an automation sequence, you must create individual emails for your product launch. 

Sender has a powerful drag-and-drop builder to create a compelling email design without coding or technical hiccups. Open the drag-and-drop builder to create a product launch email. 


Personalize the subject line, customize the email design, and create interesting email copy within the builder. If you’re short of design ideas, a vast email template library can help you quickly create an email. 


Pick a template, customize the design and copy, and add it to your automation sequence. 

4. Schedule and Track Results 

After your launch, it’s important to measure your results. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make adjustments for future launches. Use analytics tools to track your email open, clickthrough, and conversion rates.

Key Takeaways 

  • Create compelling email subject lines that make users want to click on your email; 
  • Send product launch emails to a segmented list that has already shown interest in similar products; 
  • Always plan a product launch email sequence with multiple automated emails using a marketing automation solution; 
  • Add unique design elements and clear call-to-action for achieving desired results from your product launch emails. 

Also read: 

Author Bio

Anmol Ratan Sachdeva is a content marketer and small business consultant who has a strong grip on topics like marketing automation, email marketing, and content marketing. He loves to write about building, improving, and growing a business.

About author
Camilla is the content wizard who weaves creativity and strategy into every piece she works on. Her expertise lies in crafting impactful content that drives results.

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