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    • Free Forever plan for 2,500 subscribers and up to 15,000 emails/month
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Case study:
Icons8's email campaign optimization

Icons8, a leading design resource platform, partnered with Sender to boost their email marketing performance. Using segmentation and automation, they quickly achieved impressive results.

Icons8 logo

Some impressive results

icon icon

Click-through rate after implementing audience segmentation

icon icon

Open rate after implementing audience segmentation

icon icon

Bounce rate after starting to clean its email list regularly

How did Icons8 increase their average open rate by 33%?

This creative hub now enjoys a much higher average open rate and click-through rate, thanks to audience segmentation and experimenting with subject lines. Here are the two things that they did:

1. Segmented their audience

To better target its marketing efforts and cater to specific customer needs, Icons8 decided it should segment its audience according to three types of criteria:

Segment by product.

Icons8 segmented their subscribers based on the specific products they engaged with.

For example, if someone used their Ouch! Illustrations, they received tailored emails that resonated with their specific interests, making things feel more personal.

Product segmentation illustration

Segment by interest.

Icons8 knows everyone's different. So, they segmented their email list based on what people were into, like UI design.

This meant everyone got emails about things they were actually interested in, making them more likely to read and click.

Interest segmentation illustration

Segment by engagement.

The brand also noted how often users interacted with its services and categorized them as active, occasional, or dormant.

For instance, active paid design software Lunacy users were treated to content that acknowledged and rewarded their engagement, helping to build a stronger connection.

Engagement segmentation illustration

2. Experimented with subject lines

Icons8 realized their email subject lines needed a makeover, too. So, instead of a formal tone, they tried fun subject lines like "OMG, these fluffy characters 💛💜" for their Ouch! illustrations.

And people loved it! The open rate jumped by over 8%, showing that creativity goes a long way, particularly for certain segments.

How did Icons8 say goodbye to high bounce rates?

While Icons8's email deliverability and bounce rates were already good, they went the extra mile to maintain a clean email list.

Now, three days after each email is sent, Sender automatically removes any email addresses that bounced or marked the sender as spam.

This strategy dropped their bounce rate from 0.25% to just 0.05%, and their spam rate got even lower, too. It's all about keeping the list healthy and engaged.

Icons8 email deliverability illustration
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Who wouldn’t want to improve their email marketing performance?
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