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120 Best Apology Email Subject Line | Subject Line Library

Apologies are an integral part of communication, especially in the digital age. Crafting an effective apology email subject line is the first step in expressing regret and seeking reconciliation. Here, we present a curated list of compelling subject lines to help you convey sincerity and remorse in your emails. Whether you're navigating a professional setback or a personal misunderstanding, these subject lines will assist you in capturing attention and initiating the healing process.

Best apology email subject lines

Apologies are necessary in emails. They help fix problems and keep relationships strong. That's why we've curated many apology email subject lines and ideas. They'll help you say sorry clearly and kindly.

Sorry for the inconvenience

Our sincere apologies

Apology for the mix-up

Regrettable error, our apologies

Clarification and apologies

Oops! Our mistake, sorry

Acknowledging our error

Sorry for any confusion

Correction and apology

Apologies for the oversight

Our sincerest regrets

Clarifying the misunderstanding

We owe you an apology

Please accept our apology

Our deepest apologies

Best apology email subject line examples

There’s such a thing as a perfect apology. And these subject lines will help you to craft one:

Rectifying the mistake, sorry

Apology for the inconvenience

Clarification and regret

Acknowledging the error

Our apologies, correcting now

Regrettable oversight, sorry

Explanation and apologies

We apologize for the error

Clarifying the situation, sorry

Sorry for any misunderstanding

Acknowledging the confusion

Clarification and regret

Our apology for the oversight

Correction and regret

Apologies for the mistake

Subject line for apology email to boss

When you make a mistake at work, the best thing you can do is to learn your lesson, apologize, and move on. These subject lines will help you to do that:

Apologies for the oversight

Regrettable mistake, my apologies

Clarification and apology

Acknowledging my error, sorry

Sincere apologies for the delay

Apologies for any confusion caused

Correcting the misunderstanding, sorry

Explanation and apology

Sorry for the oversight, correcting now

Apologies for the inconvenience caused

Regrettable error on my part, sorry

Clarification and regret, my apologies

Acknowledging my mistake, sorry

Sincere apologies for the error

Apologies for any misunderstanding

Subject line for apology email to manager

Did you make mistakes at your work? Let your manager know that you’re sorry with an honest message. Start the apologies from a subject line:

Rectifying the mistake, sorry

Explanation and rectification, sorry

Sorry for the misunderstanding, clarifying now

Apologies for the confusion caused

Regrettable oversight, apologies

Acknowledging my oversight, sorry

Sincere apologies for the oversight

Apologies for the miscommunication

Clarification and correction, my apologies

Sorry for any inconvenience caused

Regrettable mistake on my part, sorry

Acknowledging my error, correcting now

Sincere apologies for any confusion

Apologies for the delay in communication

Clarification and acknowledgment, sorry

Professional apology email subject line

To err is human. And to apologize is professional. Let’s take a look at how you can do it, starting from a subject line:

Our sincere regret

Acknowledging the oversight

Clarification and apologies

Rectifying the error, apologies

Our sincere apologies, correcting

Explanation and regret

Apologies for the confusion

Sorry for any inconvenience

Acknowledging our mistake

Clarification and correction

We apologize for any confusion

Our apologies, rectifying now

Regrettable mistake, sorry

Explanation and apology

Clarification and rectification

Subject line for apology email to customer

A sincere apology is the first step towards repairing a relationship with your customer. Do it right with these subject lines: 

We're sorry – let us make it right

An important apology from [Your Company Name]

Our regrets and a solution for you

Customer care: our apology and resolution

Ensuring your satisfaction: our apology and plan of action

Making things right: our apology and next steps

Oops! our apologies – let's resolve this together

Our sincere apology for any inconvenience caused

Taking responsibility – our apology and immediate action

Your feedback matters – our apology and remediation

Customer first: our apology and resolution plan

We're sorry – here's how we'll make it up to you

Making amends: our apology and compensation

Apology notification: corrective measures in place

Responding to your concerns – our apology and plan

Apology email subject line formal

As much as we try to avoid it, something will always go wrong. Don’t let the mistake become bigger than it is – apologize and learn. If you choose to do it with a letter, here’s a subject line to accompany it:

Oops! Our sincere apologies

Sorry for the oversight

Correcting our mistake, apologies

Apologies for any inconvenience

Clarification and rectification

Regrettable error, our apologies

Rectifying the situation, sorry

Apologies for any confusion caused

Explanation and correction, sorry

Our apologies for the misunderstanding

Sorry for the trouble caused

Acknowledging the error, correcting

Our sincerest apologies, clarifying

Rectifying the confusion, apologies

Subject line for apology email to client

Move past your errors and strengthen the relationship with your client – send an honest apology. These subject lines will help you with that:

We apologize for the error – your experience matters most

Customer satisfaction guaranteed – our apology and action plan

Addressing your disappointment – our apology and remedy

Our sincere apology – your trust is important to us

Apologizing for the oversight – our assurance to you

Customer care update: our apology and resolution

We're sorry – let us make it right for you

Taking responsibility – our apology and reassurance

Acknowledging our mistake – here's our plan to fix it

Restoring your confidence in us – our apology and action

Apology notice: we're here to make things right

We apologize – your satisfaction is our priority

Addressing your concerns – our apology and assurance

We're sorry – your satisfaction guaranteed

Taking ownership – our apology and redress

Hero illustration
Hero illustration

Open Sesame: Subject lines to get your emails read

Your perfect email won't matter if it won't be opened. Want some inspiration? Check these robust subject lines, designed for maximum opens of your promotional emails.
Hero illustration
Hero illustration
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